Glad you are home and hope your recovery goes well!! If you can find the time would you email me and tell me how the surgery was and hospital stay and all that? I am still waiting and getting scared since my approval runs out in sept. But I am so glad you had yours and seem to be doing fine. Take care!
[email protected]
Hi Angela,We had it the same day remember?I came home Sunday and I am o.k. I do sleep in my bed but only on one side. I get pretty uncomfortable .I hate bedtime. I feel better up and walking or just sitting on the couch. I am not allowed anything but clear liquids until I see Dr. Curry friday. I never thought I would say this but.....I am ready for the pureed food. I am not hungrey but I never was. I just liked to eat anytime. I never let myself get to that point. GLAD WE ARE BOTH HOME AND WE HAVE TO KEEP IN TOUCH.wE HAVE SOMETING VERY MU*****OMMON.LOVE CINDY