Yesterday was my one week anniversary. I was doing great until yesterday. I had a scrambled egg and a few sips of vegetable juice for breakfast. I had sugar-free lime jello with cottage cheese for lunch. I felt bloated and uncomfortable. Finally, in the late afternoon, I started vomiting. I immediately felt better, but the pressure started building again. I threw up again and the same thing. Finally, I just decided to try to take a phenergan (for nausea) and go to bed. I went to bed about 9:30 and the second I laid down, I threw up. (glad I took a bucket in the bedroom) I don't know where all that liquid came from. I didn't throw up anymore and the pressure didn't come back. I feel better this morning. I haven't tried anything except a couple sips of water though. I am going to call the doctor's office in a while. I am sure they are not even open yet. Not looking for medical advice, just wondering if anyone has had something like this.
Donna - Be sure to call your doctor. If vomiting continues ask for a potassium level blood test. I ran into real trouble - read my post on the main message board from this morning. Take care of yourself and while vomiting can be caused by many factors (eating a little too much, eating too fast, eating foods that don't agree with your pouch, etc) the results of vomiting can become life threatening if you vomit regularly. Take care of yourself and I'll say a prayer for you today. Donna