Anyone with Low Iron?
I was just wondering if anyone has had problems with low iron before surgery? I had my blood work done and it came back that I am anemic, and now I take iron three times a day. Since I have been put on the iron, I have found myself not being able to sleep. Before I was always tired (due to lack of iron) I was just wanting to know if being this anemic if it would put off me having surgery. My pcp keeps saying we will have to wait and see. Now I am beginning to think that I might not be able to have it after all. Any suggestions on how to get my iron up would be greatly noted. Thank you in advance.
Hi Julia,
I was anemic before surgery...and Yes, It did postpone my surgery date 2 different times! I ended up having to see a hematologist....he put me on a prescription form iron pill... as the over the counter ones would have taken forever to get my blood count up enough to have the surgery.... from the time i started with my first surgery schedule date to the time I had my took 5 months for the numbers to improve.... I also modified my diet to eat as much iron rich foods as possible.... spinach, liver,broccoli...I'm sure you get the idea. I had my surgery in January.. and am doing well...I'm still on iron pills and will be for a while, i'm sure... my numbers are in normal range but still on the low side. hope this helps.. good luck to you ...don't give up! it can still happen ... just maybe not exactly when you want it to! the hardest part was the waiting... find something to distract you in the meantime......