Ohio Senate Bill for WLS info that was posted.
Here is a response From Senator Hagan's Office
Mr. Otte,
Thank you for emailing Senator Hagan's office to inquiry into the status of Senate Bill 41. As you are aware, SB 41 has not received much attention in the Senate Insurance, Commerce and Labor Committee. It should come as no surprise that the Health Insurance Industry vigorously opposes this and other pieces of legislation deemed health insurance "mandates". Legislatively mandated health insurance is also opposed by the Ohio Chamber of Commerce and the Ohio Small Business Council. That being said, we are still very much supportive of health insurance coverage of bariatric surgery. I have provided you the link to the Senate Insurance, Commerce and Labor Committee so that you and others may communicate directly with the members of the committee and its chairman.
Please feel free to contact our office if you are in need of additional information or assistance.
Thank you,
Wow, you actually got a response. I e-mailed both Senators sponsoring this bill and got nada. I guess we'll just have to start flooding the committee with letters. We need as many people as we can get to write if we want to make anything happen. So, get going on those letters people! Onward and Upward!!!

That is what we need to do. Encourage others to fight for this Senate Bill 41. I did not know anything about this until I saw it posted here at obesityhelp.com. One big problem I have now is I live in Kentucky and I work and insurrance in Ohio. But I'm fight for all!!!! That we should be cover for obesity.... I been fighting for a wow now but have not been approved yet, and I told a friend once I get approved and go for the surgery watch that I will pass away from all the stress and fighting and months of b*tching to any high officials that we need to be covered by insurance for our disability or illness. What fires me up is hearing from the insurance co. that it is cosmetic, - a lifestyle choice to be obesite. That is a declair of war to me and I'm a fighter.......
Thank you for ur post and please fight let us be heard.
I Care
Here is the link for the Insurance, COmmerce and Labor Committee. The chairman is Scott Nein. Let's get a letter writing camapign going!