I know what is going to be said BUT.....I am dealing with the BYTCH from HELL. They want me to produce more dr records but there are no more doctors. They want me to produce things that don't exist. I guess I will have to find a way to self pay because the insurance companies are full of S***. Thanks for letting me vent

I Know what you mean I've been fighting for 10 months now.
If you were turn down and have co-mobilities file your complaint to the Ohio department of insurrance. www.ohioinsurance.gov They may be able to help you. Get and keep everthing in writting and fight it. this here is from a pass post that may helpto
Ohio Senate Bill for WLS
Original Post by Beth M. at 9:01 PM EST on 05/25/2004
South Vienna, OH
I saw a post on the main message board about states that had mandated coverage for WLS. When I reviewed the website, it said Ohio was one of the states where it was "pending" or had been introduced. This article also had the name of the Senator in Ohio who had written the bill. Here is the link to him-http://www.senate.state.oh.us/senators/bios/sd_33.html
If you look under proposed legislation, you will get a list of them. I started going through each one and found it! Its 125 S.B.41 and here is the link where you can read what he introduced-http://www.legislature.state.oh.us/bills.cfm?ID=125_SB_41
So then I went in to see what the status of it was and it shows he introduced it or the first reading was on 3/4/03 and it had been assigned to a committee. Ok, that's been over a year ago. I wonder what is going on with this bill?
I decided to e-mail Senator Hagan to see what the status was and if he could use any help in getting it passed. I figure I'm willing to march on the steps of the Ohio Senate and I'm sure many of you would be too.
Please go to this sight and send an e-mail to Senator Hagan to push Senate Bill 41. We need to be heard...
From Senator Hagans Office:
Thank you for emailing Senator Hagan's office to inquiry into the status of Senate Bill 41. As you are aware, SB 41 has not received much attention in the Senate Insurance, Commerce and Labor Committee. It should come as no surprise that the Health Insurance Industry vigorously opposes this and other pieces of legislation deemed health insurance "mandates". Legislatively mandated health insurance is also opposed by the Ohio Chamber of Commerce and the Ohio Small Business Council. That being said, we are still very much supportive of health insurance coverage of bariatric surgery. I have provided you the link to the Senate Insurance, Commerce and Labor Committee so that you and others may communicate directly with the members of the committee and its chairman.
Please feel free to contact our office if you are in need of additional information or assistance.
Thank you,