Good Thift Shops in Columbus?
Any one recommend a nice used clothing store in Columbus where I would find 26-28s? I am not too familiar with all of Columbus but if you gave me the addy I would get directions from mapquest. I have a doctors appointment next Wednesday so I'd like to get some shopping in. I've already hit the malls too much

I work at Lane Bryant and we started a HUGE sale today (24th) where all summer merchandise is on sale. There is also a great 'hole in the wall' place on West Broad street close to downtown called "Miss Chrissy's Plus Size Consignment". She carries up to a 10x. I've sold all kinds of stuff to her and I've bought a lot of 26/28 items there. Like I's a hole in the wall, but you will definitely find some great things there! Another plus size consignment store, "In Between Sizes" is located on North High street near Clintonville. I've never been there but the window displays look great! The sign says they carry up to a 28. Hope this helps! Have a great appointment!
I see you are from Athens, who did your surgery and what hospitol did you go to? I hope that I am not being to nosy. If you want to e-mail me it is [email protected]