Qual Choice?
Hello Faith,
I have Qualchoice and I was really worried about not having a 5 year weight or diet history. I just never went to the doctor. I was told that Qualchoice is not as strict as other insurance companies. I started to see my PCP last June for the first time. So I only had about 9 months of weight history. I wrote all of my diets over the past 10 years....or what I could remember and I had about 12 "dated" photos over the past 10 years and I also had my PCP write a letter of medical necessity. All of my paperwork was submitted to Qualchoice on a Monday and St Vincents called me Wednesday morning and told me I was approved.......I was so happy. So I would say.......Yes, they do accept pictures....just try to come up with as much info as you can.
Good luck and Take care,
Open RNY 4-22-04 (-35 lbs)

I didn't have a 5 year history either as I didnt have insurance most of that time. They gladly took my pictures. I also included all diets etc I have tried ..that info was even shaky since they were not medically supervised. ALSO I sent my WW info--not sure it that helped or not. They got my info on a Friday and I was approved on the following Monday!
Just be sure to have a letter explaing why you dont have the 5 year history and also a letter from your PCP supporting the procedure and how it will help you and you should be good to go.
Best of luck!