Cedar Point
It seems that Cedar Point has put a size limited on the new rollercoaster, Millenium Force. It looks like the safety belts are pretty small so if you are too wide you will be asked to leave the ride. Could you imagine how embarrasing that would be? To get in one of these tiny seats in front of the line and test the seat belts? I understand that safety is the major concern but, it's just another reason why being overweight truly sucks. From what some of my friends have told me the seats are a lot smaller than coach seats on a plane. Even my thin friends had a hard time squeezing into them. Sorry, just wanted to vent.

That's exactly what happened to me at Geauga Lake years ago, with my nine-year-old niece. I eyed the seat, knew it would be close, thought I would fit, I didn't. Had to leave the platform with my niece bawling. Luckily a wonderful woman in the car behind us was riding alone and asked me niece to ride with her as I walked off the platform with everyone staring at me. She's 17 now and we're going back to that park this summer to ride that coaster.

I saw the story on the news last night and got a little scared. The park was instructed to move the seatbelt. So if you squeezed in it last year, chances are you won't be able to fit this year.
The last time I went to Cedar Point was in 2000 when I had lost 90 pounds taking Metabolife pills. I was able to fit in all the rides just fine. But of course I gained those 90 pounds plus 20 back before surgery and wasn't sure if I could fit on anything.
I've only lost 70 lbs. since surgery (size 22 now) and honestly, I don't think I wanna drive 90 minutes and pay $50.00 to get in the park and NOT be able to fit on my favorite ride.
So I think I'm gonna wait until August. By then, I should be able to fit just fine.
Tammara Faye

I wish they had a seat near the entrance so you could see you fit instead of having to waste all that time in line not to be able to ride. I know when I was at King Island in middle school our group was going to get on the Racers and while waiting I heard my friends talking about the sign so I looked up and along with "if your pregnant, have heart trouble....was if your overweight...you can't ride" (some wording like that) So I just said...I don't think I want to ride this...I'll wait for you guys at the end. I got to be really good at just sitting around amusement parks.
I heard on the news that they do have a test seat so you can see if you fit. In general, they said that women over 200 pounds or a size 18 probably wouldn't fit, for men, it was 240 pounds and/or 40 inch waist (I think).
They were required to move it after somebody was killed on another coaster at another park - but I guess the coasters were similar.