Home from surgery
Went in May 11th, home today. Everything went well although I am much sorer than I anticipated. The staff (with the exception of one nurse) was terriffic. I would appreciate any advice on how to get out of bed with a little pain as possible.
Congrats to everyone else who made it through the week!
Hiya Jen,
I am glad that your surgery went well and you are home recovering now.
I know alot of people recommend sleeping in a recliner when you first go home...I tried but had a hard time getting out of it myself. I slept in a bed from night 1....I just slowly slid over to the side of the bed and I grabbed on to one of the handles that are on the sides of the mattress and kinda pulled myself to an upright position. Trust me you will learn very fast what you can and can't do and you will learn the way that causes the least amount of pain. I know for the first few days, I couldn't sleep on my sides.......and I hate sleeping on my back......so I just used a couple of extra pillows.....by the 3rd day home, I was able to sleep on my right side and then about 4 days later, I was able to sleep on both sides and at 2 weeks, I was able to sleep on my stomach. You will really be suprised on how fast the pain goes away. Just take things slow and don't over do it and make sure you listen to your body.
Take care,
Open RNY 4-22-04
-33 lbs

I also had surgery on the 11 and except for useing the bar in the hospital I have not found an easy way to get out of bed i roll over on the side i need to get out on and try using my hands more to push up or have someone help that is about all you can do unless you can get theuse of a walker that may help. Where did you have surgery? Mine was at St. V's in cleveland. I had great nurses there with the one nursing asst. wanting to clean my room at midnight that is the only one I had trouble with I even had a male nurse that made me feel very much at ease. I am glad you are doing ok. Did you have lap? I find it a bit more comfortable not to wear my binder at soem points in the day they said for lap you don't have to wear it all the time just for your comfort. the trouble I have is the gas not moving any where. and getting in all the liquids I feel I am drinking from the time I get up to the time I go to bed. other than that I feel pretty good sometimes I feel like I can feel the liquids moving down in the system and that cause a bit of discomfort but not so much that it is really painful.
I hope you figure out how to get out ot bed. keep me posted.