swelling feet and legs
Good Morning everyone!
What do all you beautiful people do for swelling feet and legs?
I am preop and sit a lot. Try to walk and elevate them a couple times a day. PCP cked them out and added a med (neurontin 300mg) but I am not really sure if it was for that or the BP or both. Never had high BP before. I can feel my skin get tight and they balloon up. They get blotchy red but not an itchy rash. WLS can't come soon enough.

Hi....my hubby takes neurontin for his back.....he takes 800 mg 3 times a day to control the pain. I have a problem with swelling feet and legs and the discoloration. Doctor put me on BP meds with lasix...I can't take any lasix as it drops my potassium so low i end up in the ER. Now i wear a BP patch and it seems to have done the trick for that. Anyhow, the PCP ordered tests and found i have a leaky tricuspid valve and that was causing the swelling. Now that my BP is somewhat under control I only have to watch my salt intake carefully. I do watch how long i have to stand cause the swelling comes back. Are you eating alot of sodium? After i started reading labels i was really shocked at how many things that are "supposedly" good for you are high in sodium. You might have a leaky valve. I would have the PCP check. GOdd luck and let me know how you are doing......Patty
Hi Patty and thanks for the info. I have never had high bp but at this visit it was a bit high. I don't know could be stress maybe don't know. I am really stressing about wanting this wls so bad. I don't want my health to deteriorate any further as I am not in too bad of shape right now. I have diabetes that will probably disappear, incontinence that will disappear, arthritis that will all but disappear, and gurd that will be greatly improved. So I don't want anything to happen that will be long lasting after the wls.
Someone else mentioned sodium to me today and I will star****ching out for that. thanks! I will also keep that leaky valve in mind and mention to my pcp.
I am taking neurontin 300 mg 3x a day for a few days now. I hope I start seeing some improvement. Thanks again for y our reply.

Hi Jack,
Thanks for your reply. Oh don't worry about that I keep my pcp informed on everything and she treats me great. I just am so happy to have her. I saw her 2 weeks ago and she cked my feet out really good. I will see her again on Monday and she will do it again. Thanks for your info I will keep it in mind.

I second Jack...early stage lymphedema. is a possibility. It was missed on me for years. Mine got way out of control, but treatment has done wonders. They say mine is genetic, my moms legs get swollen really bad and won't go down for a long time. She bought some compression stocking at wal-mart. Try to keep you legs elevated as much as possible.