Has anyone used Dr. Bipan Chand at Cleveland Clinic?
Hi - I am interested in LapBand surgery and I found Dr Chand at CCF but I can't find anyone who has had surgery with him - either RNY or LapBand. Also I am going to the Info Session on this Thursday - but it is so hard to get anyone from Cleveland Clinic to call me back with any answers to my questions. Since I have to travel 2 hrs to get there, I want to make sure what is required by the Dr and what Ir eally want to know is how many LapBands he has done. Anyone know where I can find that out? On the surgeon listing here no one has left any remarks about Dr Chand. It is so hard to find a surgeon who does LapBand - I am pretty disappointed in this dept at Cleveland Clinic - I have always have good luck with them in other areas. Thanks for any help you can give me.
Hi I'm Ang, 25, surgery date 6/29/04 Laproscopic RNY with Dr. Bipan Chand. I started the process, As I call it, to have WLS last January. I called the Cleveland Clinic and got an appt. for 6 months later with the Endo. Dept. After that it was Cardiologists, psychologist and nutritionist. Finally got to schedule with surgeon in Sept 2003, My appt. was for Sept. Of 2004. I had a whole year to wait before I could see the surgeon. Then in Feb. of this year I got a call from Dr. Bipand's office and he could see in March. I was so excited. I had almost lost hope of every having the surgery. After I saw the Doc, I had to meet with financial services to get approved. I have Ohio Medicaid, I was told they do approve surgery if medically necessary. Well, at 25 I have high blood pressure, depression and sleep apnea, not to mention my knees are going on me. I had my first son in June 2002 and all be damned if I was going to leave my son without a mother. Anyway, they said it would take up to 16 weeks for approval from the state. Waiting....Waiting.....Waiting!
PRAying...Praying...Meanwhile, Dr. Chand ordered some tests and apt. with Neurology. Doctor. First week of May the financial advisor and Dr. Chant's nurse cal me on the same day. I had been APPROVED and had my SURGERY DATE set for the last week in June!
I can't wait. to start my life over again. I mean it's a new chance at life, the right way!
Well it was a long process but so worth it!