Changing surgeons?
I have my Consult scheduled for the end of May with Dr. Raymond Gagliardi at Parma Hospital (my psych eval is tomorrow), but I'm going to be moving to the Sandusky area in June and I'm considering changing surgeons. Has anyone ever done this? Can I use the psych eval I'm having tomorrow for Dr. G and use it for the new doc? Does anyone have any recommendations for Sandusky-area surgeons? I'll actually be living in Huron and I don't know the area too well at all.
Thanks everyone!
Hello there...I'm sorry I can't help you with the surgeon part of your question since I live in SouthEast Ohio, but as far as the Psych eval goes, yes... you can use it for the other surgeon. You may have to sign a medical records release again to have it sent to the other surgeon, but you shouldn't have any problems. They usually only send it to the doctor that is ordering the evaluation, Or if you like you can ask for a copy yourself and hand carry it to your appointment..this may be a good idea since things sometimes get "lost" in the mail8
Good Luck