Toledo people? :wave:
I live just outside of Toledo, in Sylvania. I am going to have surgery with Dr. Lane at BTC in Ypsi (MI), and saw on their list that there is a group that meets at Flower Hospital. Is anyone here that goes to that group, or do you know of any others? Also, is that group open to all WLS people? My mom is having surgery this Thursday with a different doc, and I'd like to see her go to a support group.
I'm hoping to call Paramount (my insurance company) tomorrow to make sure they got all the paperwork, and hopefully will have my approval in a couple of days, tops. Then I'll get my surgery date (I'm aiming for end of May).
Take care all!
hi beth! i had my surgery in groveport, ohio- btc--but haven't gone to the mtgs at flowers--i am trying to get a support group going around the toledo area--not to be affiliated with any particular docs--but open to anyone having surgery--please email me if you may be interested...
mean time--best wishes to you and your mom!!!
where is your mom having her surgery?
personally; i think we need all of the support we can get !!!!!!

I have been going to the Flower Hospital meeting for 9 months. I love it and the people there. The only problem is that I ended up haveing surgery in Cleveland. They told me I could still pop in once in a while. Your mother can go with you as a guest. e-mail me if you want to know more. I'll probably go to the next meeting in May.