i'm back
Well it has been a strange and unique journey. Easter Sunday I was started throwing up every 15 minutes. Went to the ER and they told me I had a virus and that I would be fine. They also said i would have diarrhea. I did but it was dark. I thought it was s/f grape and raspberry popsicles. By the following Friday I was feeling OK ands went to dinner with some WLS friends. I started feeling pukey again right at the restaurant and got real weak n dizzy. We decided to call the squad because I could not stand up. They took me to Mercy Fairfield South where it was found I was bleeding internally. I also had gallstone pancreatitis. They ran several tests and Wednesday this past week Dr Moreira removed the gall bladder. I still have to have an upper GI and they want to put a camera in me. Appartently you swallow it. On the plus side I am down to 270 at 11 months out.
I had a lot of gravel in the gallbladder and a couple of the stones had gotten into the bile duct. It is good to be back and I truly felt like George from a "It's a wonderful life".
I got several little milestones. I was able to fit in the regular hospital gown. Thery didn't have to cut the footies to make them fit. Other than being sore from the lap gallbladder removal, I am feeling much better. Thanks for listening.
Jack, I missed you on the boards. I can't believe they left your gall bladder in when you had WLS. Oh well, it is gone now. I had problems with mine years ago and had it removed. Great to have you back and to hear about the weight loose. While you were gone, I had my surgery and I am on my way to my first check up
Wish me luck on the scales
Welcome home