Well better late than never! It's been a year and a week since my life took a huge turn towards improvement. I have lost 127lbs. and 167 overall. I am more than halfway to my surgeons' goal. Today I had my blood drawn, next week I see the nutritionist at OSU and next month I see the sleep study doctor for a re-test. I have a consult with a plastic surgeon next month to make a "game plan" since there is a lot of excess skin on my legs from my progress with the lymphedema.
Here is a list of mini goals/WOW moments I have had in the past year:
I can bend over to tie my shoes.
I no longer need my seatbelt extender in my car.
I can take a flight of stairs instead of waiting for the elevator.
I can zip my coat.
I can be weighed on a normal doctor scale.
I can do 30 minutes on the eliptical machine.
I can climb out of the pool using the ladder.
I had to lower my steering wheel.
I fit comfortably in booths at restuarants.
I can buy clothes at Lane Bryant, Fashion Bug, and Wal-mart.
I can wear pants that button and zip with no elastic.
I needed alterations made to slacks but it was only to make them shorter and the waist snugger.
I can easily fit into restroom stalls.
I can walk around the mall for hours and keep the pace with my friend.
I am no longer on blood pressure medication.
I feel more like a normal overweight person.
***I'm no longer the person who I told myself I would never be. (I used to see SMO people struggling and I would tell myself, I might be overweight but I would never let myself get like that. Well, I got like that, I got beyond that, I got to where I would see those people and wish I was as small as them).***
Still need to get new pictures taken and posted!
Thank you all for your support, encouragement, and humor!
Sarah Margaret