Approved for PS in less than 2 weeks!!!
Hello All,
I just wanted to stop by and let everyone know that I went to see Dr. Butterfield last friday and I have been approved for tummy tuck surgery and that surgery will be this coming wednesday. I can't believe how fast this has went through.
I am so happy
scared but so releived that this will soon be over. I will have my summer to recover and enjoy a flat new tummy. For all those out there fighting the battle, keep the faith. God does answer prayers if you haven't been to talk with him get on your knees and talk. It worked for me. Thanks for letting me tell you all about my news.

Oh Sharon, You of all people know how I was after the by-pass,
I hope I do a bit better than that this time.
I know your all behind me and I'm so happy you all are. I wouldn't know what to do without all of you there to help me. So many people have helped me get to where I am today and I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU to each one of you. I guess the next time I'll be on here it will be over. See you on the flatter side of life.