Can't get coverage, what about this?

Mary B.
on 4/2/04 2:52 am - Dayton, OH
I am thinking and are in the planning stages of starting a womens charity to help fight obesity through surgery. Basically surgeries that are medically necessary, and the idividuals insurance dosen't cover it or only partially covers it would be eligible for help. If anyone has any ideas or knows anthing about starting a charity lets talk! If people in other states start doing this too maybe we can colaborate with them as well.
John M.
on 4/2/04 4:31 am - Ansonia, OH
Mary, If you want my opinion, I think you'll run out of money real fast and only be able to help a few people. What I think would be great is a charity that gave patients interest-free loans to pay for their surgery. That way you could help many, many more people. Good luck with this, Dr. C The Deaconess Surgical Weight Loss Center Cincinnati, Ohio
Lori B.
on 4/2/04 4:38 am - Raleigh, NC
I think a charity would be great but I do agree with Dr. C., you would run out of money fast. I think the idea of intrest free loans would be great. If you would like to discuss this idea more, please email me or you can instant message me on AOL at bradleyori Kepp in touch. Lori
Beth M.
on 4/2/04 9:00 am - South Vienna, OH
Beth M.
on 4/3/04 4:47 am - South Vienna, OH
Hi Mary, This is now the third time I've tried to post this reply-strange things going on with our computer. Anyway, I think your idea is great but like others have said, the funds would run out very quickly. Personally, I think there needs to be some kind of a "movement" to force insurance companies pay for WLS. Its about ridiculous that some have opted to make paying for it next to impossible to get approval for. The Federal Government allows you to have any out of pocket expenses be tax deductable for crying out loud. If the Federal Government can see the light on this surgery, what does that say for the insurance companies that deny!? The Surgeon General has stated obesity is an epidemic so now its being recognized that way also. And to quote the doctor who was on the OPRAH show, if anyone had operable cancer and were told they needed to have surgery to save their life, would we ourselves think twice about having the surgery or would our insurance give us hassles, etc., for approval? NO! So why are they so negative when it comes to having WLS to save an individual's life? I don't know who to write to or where to get the ball rolling for some type of change but I think its time many insurance companies take a good hard look at what their policy is on WLS. I've not been approved yet-haven't even submitted it yet and I KNOW for a fact, I will be denied because according to the policy where my husband works, I have to have 2 consecutive years of documented dieting attempts. Well, I've got that but its not documented the way THEY want to see it so I'm sure it will be denied. But, just in case, my PCP and my cardiologist are writing letters to the effect that I need this and if they deny me, should something happen to me due to my health, they will be held legally liable. Maybe they all deserve a law suit or two. It totally amazes me how people sitting at a desk or table can dictate how one person lives and and another doesn't yet the medical professionals are the ones with all the education and hands on with their patients and their recommendations aren't worth a dime! Sorry for the soap box. I just can't stand it when people who need help are not given the chance to have it. Beth
Mary B.
on 4/3/04 10:02 am - Dayton, OH
Mary B.
on 4/5/04 11:54 am - Dayton, OH
so where do we begin, with a petition? I'm on board with whatever !!!
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