I'm so freaked out!
Please someone make me feel better. Today I had my consultation with Dr. Patterson and St. Vincents Hosp. I know all the risks but hearing the Dr. talk about them just really scared me.
I'm also worried that my insurance won't cover the procedure I have ohio carpenters health and welfare/med. mutual . They want you to be 100 lbs. overweight for 5 years and I havent' been. 99 and 2000 I'm like 20 lbs shy of being 100 lbs over. Has anyone had this problem.
Someone please make me feel better. My husband is really freaked out too. I've had multiple operations and he has never been nervous but he is really nervous about this.
please. please help me feel better.
amy cope

I'm one to freak out whenever any type of medical procedure is even mentioned to me, let alone surgery. I think its natural to have some reservations otherwise we wouldn't be human. When I first started talking to my family seriously about having WLS, my husband about had a fit. He kept telling me all the stats about what can go wrong, etc. Finally I told him that I was fully aware of them but I also had to look at the big picture and that was our future. I had to confront my fears and do something that I personally consider drastic in order to try and get my weight under control before I was totally out of options. My overall health and life depended on it. He finally has seen I am right and is in full support of me having the surgery. Now all I have to do is convince the insurance company to pay for it. That will be a battle in its own right but, I figure I'm worth it and so is my family so I'll battle them on whatever ground they want to go head to head on because my family and I are both worth it.
Good luck to you. And being nervous is ok-I know I was, am and will be still if and when the day comes for my actual surgery.
HI Amy,
I think everyone in the beginning is a little freaked out about this surgery. My husband wouldn't even talk about it and kept telling me that he loved me just the way I am. As for the risks, we all know what they are, if your like most people you've been researching this forever before you even made your first step. If you have become too freaked out by what the Doctor had to say, then maybe your not ready yet.
As for your insurance, depending on wether or not you have co-morbs, that might make the differance.
I wish you the best of luck in your decision. I am always here if you need someone to talk to. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

amy i will not repeat what the others said other than fears are normal...
make sure you have done your research and talked in depth with your family doc as well....there are risks to getting out of bed every day- but face them with a healthy mind and body--as for your hubby- he should come around as you get comfortable-
don't rush til you are comfortable-
as for your weight-BMI--mine was under in '99 too(must have been the year!)--do you have comorbs??? ex: i have sleep apnea so that paved the way- with comorbs they usually look at a bmi of 35+ ...
keep researching--and asking questions- and then research some more-be informed...and then think about why YOU really are considering this surgery.....
also--document all phone calls,etc, from ins company....who when what
when i told my best friend that i had updated my will-(old one left everything to ex!NO!) that is when she freaked- i was at peace with my decision--so each is different.
if you have a God, turn there.....
and when you are ready you'll know....
margo-day7--adding sf fudgsicles!
Amy, it took me until I was 50 years old to finally go through with the surgery. I had diabetes that was getting out of control. Since I had watched my mother die of diabetes-related complications, I just could not follow in her footsteps. I was totally miserable and had tried to lose weight unsuccessfully for many years prior to having the surgery done. It is normal to be nervous about something that is definitely going to change your life forever. I knew going in that there could be complications and I was one of those rare ones that did have complications that required a second surgery. All I could think when I woke up from the 2nd surgery is, "WHAT have I DONE to myself?" But every day afterward was better, and now it has been 8 months and I have no regrets. I feel so "NORMAL" now. I am healthier and the diabetes is gone. So is my high blood pressure and my cholesterol dropped from 220 to 120.
It IS a life-changing operation. I doubt you will find very many people who have had it that say they regret it, or wish they hadn't done it.
Good luck whatever you decide to do.