My Journey Begins
Hello Fellow Ohioans:
I went for my initial consultation on February 25th, and had the psych evaluation done last Friday, the 29th. So far, so good...hopefully all will go well and i'll hear something about approval before too long. I had gathered all my medical records prior to the consultation, so I think that will help. I had a sleep study done about a year ago and was diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea at that time, so that's one hoop I don't have to jump through. My Dr. wants me to have a consult with a cardiologist and pulmonoligist during March to approve the surgery from their stand-point. I had a pulmonary embolism in December of 2002 and have been on blood thinners ever since, with a filter in they will be a little more careful with me during the approval process probably. I feel good about the decision to go ahead with the surgery, and my family is being supportive, so now all there is to do is wait...I have Blue Cross-Anthem, so if anyone has any experience with them they want to share, please feel free to email me. God bless all of you in your journey. More later...
Hi Faye, my journey began on Nov. 15 last year. My surgery date is just two weeks and 1 day away. These last two weeks are insane. I have so many appointments before surgery
that I feel overwhelmed.
However, on the plus side, I have been cleared by all docs for my wls. To tell you the truth the time has passed so fast since Nov. 15 and now, that I have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming
Anyway, much success to you and I'll be following your weight loss journey. Have a great day.