I am going to be a BIG LOOSER REAL SOON!!!! YIPPIE !!! YIPPIE !!!
February 25, 2004
I have my date to be a looser and it has all happened so fast.
I went to my initial seminar on January 14, 2004. My doctors appointment was February 9th and I received my call yesterday that I had been approved. My surgery is March 9th at Southview Hospital. All I can say is WOW!! I am so darned happy/ excited/nervous/anxious. Please everyone pray for me........ Calling all Angels!!!
Love & Prayers To All,
Gayenell Beers

I am so excited for you. I will change your status on my website this morning to a Pre -Op, and will be putting you on the Surgery Calendar. Please let me know if you have any questions Missy. You will be getting a hospital visit from someone in our group on March 9th. Congratulations again!
Sandy Pierce