I am new to this and think that I need a angel. I am 42 and have two girls.I have been to see Dr Gupta and sent paper work in.I an so worried that I wont be approved.I have been big all of my life.I am sick of people saying your so cute you just need to lose so weight. My family isnt very keen on me doing this .But I know the (GB) is right for me.I think that I mite need some help getting to know the ins and outs
I am also pretty new to this too, and like you am worried about being approved for surgery. My son is excited about me doing this but he is the only one in my family...everyone else just ignores it or tells me how dangerous this surgery is and they think it is dumb to do. They just don't understand. If you need to talk, or vent I am here if you need me to be. Okay? Just hang in there!