just nervous
hi i'm sharon and i'm having ups and downs at first i felt the process wasn't moving fast enough for me and now that i got my consult date of march 22 i'm getting scared again. i will have this done no matter what, but what i need to know is how do you all deal with all the emotions all the time without seeming to whine. I feel like a baby about this. am i being too hard on myself or? help sharon schmidtgesling
Hi Sharon, I am still pre op but I can identify with you completly. I had a consult with the surgeon in October. I got insurance approval in the first part of Nov. and I am still waiting for surgery. It is tough. Sometimes I think we are entitled to whine a little bit. Patience is very over rated. Have you talked to anyone professionally about the surgery? My longest wait was I did not have a primary care doctor when I went to my consult with the surgeon. The testing that needs done takes a while to complete. If you want to move ahead quicker, maybe discuss the process with your own doctor and see if you can begin any of the testing needed. Best wishes. If you need to whine let it out here. We all will listne and understand.
Hey there Missy. As I told you at the luncheon, and on the phone, what you are going through is so normal. I am here for you though. You pick up the phone and call me anytime day or night. We can just chit, chat.
How did it go talking to Carolyn? Do you feel more relaxed now about Dr. Fischer?
Drop me a line.
Love ya,
Hi Sharon,
I got my approval in November and had my surgery 2-13-04. It seems all I did in those 3 months was think about the surgery, I kept reading everything I could and it was on my mind constantly. Now that it's over, I forget that I've had it, except for this feeling like I've done a million sit-ups.
I think its normal to think about it, worry about it, whine about it....its scary and it changes your whole life. But you know, here I am 10 days out and I feel pretty damn good and thrilled with how I feel.
I can tell you this, I did go through the normal "what in the hell did I do????"
feelings the first 2 days after surgery, but after I got home, started walking, eating a few pureed meals (look bad, taste good) and falling in love with sugar free popscicles, I've felt great!!
You'll do fine.