Anxious, nervous, excited....
My surgery is in 6 days. I've been a wreck ever since I got the date in November, but now the reality of what I'm doing is setting in. I'm not scared of the surgery it self, but more concerned about after. I read all the stories about people who can't get their protein in (makes them sick), or can't even tolerate the soft/pureed diet. I don't want to be able to eat everything under the sun (God, no, that's what got me this way), but I want to be able to get all my protein and liquids in.
I've been eating my way through Cincinnati enjoying the places I've always loved. I know in the future I'll be able to go back to them and eat (albeit, much smaller amounts).
I guess I'm just nervous. Fortunatly I'm working up until Friday so my mind will be busy during those hours, but it's all I can think about. Am I obsessing? Did everyone go through this????