Me too Sandi! My Open RNY was on October 29. I don't ever really get hungry, but when I eat I never feel full either. I can easily eat more than the 1/4 to 1/2 cup of food that I am supposed to eat at each meal. I can eat just about everything and anything. This week I gave into temptation and had bread and dip, some sweets, etc. I don't dump and seldom feel nauseous. Tonight I gave into the temptation and ate too much (though nowhere near as much as I ate before surgery)--now I feel full and bloated.
I certainly am grateful that I don't get sick every time I eat something. But it's scary to know that even with this surgery, I still have to watch portion control, stay away from sweets and carbohydrates, don't snack, exercise regularly, etc. I gained and gained weight for years because I couldn't do those things. Now I worry that in spite of the huge financial, physical, and emotional cost of surgery I will fail again--and this was my last hope. It makes me want to cry.
For the first few weeks I lost fast, but now I am stuck at the same weight for two weeks. I wonder if this is really going to work, or is 46 1/2 lbs going to be about it for my weight loss.
Nancy Schaffer

From reading this post, I would say if you aren't losing weight perhaps you are eating smaller portions of highly fatttening foods instead of low cal nutritious food. I met a lady at the local Dollar Store drinking regular pop as she shopped. We chatted and she told me she had started to gain her weight back from her surgery. Well, she had a cart full of $1 HUGE candy bars and was drinking a non-diet cola. She said she drank Coke all day as she was addicted to caffeine. That pop (sugar) turns into fat if it is not burned up! Just a thought. BTW, congratulations on the weight loss you have achieved! 46 1/2 pounds is a small child you know and that is very significant. Perhaps your body is in a plateau preparing to leap into another big drop. Best wishes