Breathing thingy
I love this little breathing thingy they gave us yesterday at the Pre Admission Testing. It's helped me out a whole bunch already. I'm a singer and the breathing excerises are helping me to hold my notes better. The doctor said I'm only using 72% of my lung capacity and 80% is the bottom of normal. Well if any of you out there sing like myself, you feel the same way I do when I heard him say that.
I need that other 28%!!! So I'm really excited to be having this surgery on the 22nd.
Maybe I'll get to 100% lung capacity once I get this excess weight off.

One thing I can tell you is that your tastes will change from pre op to post op. I used to hate the taste of shakes etc. I have used Ultra Whey RTD Fruit Punch from GNC. It is really sweet soi you have to dilute it with water or put it over ice. I have also used the nectar proteins. I mix them with fruit2.0.
I am trying Pro blend 55 swiss chocolate with cherry fruit2.0 and also strawberry.
Different tastes.