Central/Southern Ohio Get-Together
I'm so happy to see that we have some interest!
I was thinking of a couple of nice restaurants that would allow us to have an informal meeting.....and then after we see how it goes we can plan something for every month or every other month. I would love to have everyone over to my home sometime (once I get finished unpacking and settled). Would Chillicothe or Circleville be good? I know there is some type of steak place in Circleville right near Wal-Mart...and it has delicious food. Also, there are a bunch of restaurants on Bridge Street in Chillicothe that we could choose from. I was thinking of doing this at the beginning of December before everyone gets too busy for the holidays. I can't wait to meet you folks!!

Either town sounds good to me. I love Reno's!!!
I'm afraid you all will watch what I eat and what I order, lol. I know its silly, but I've never been around another post-op. What day of the week are you leaning toward? I'll have to find a sitter because I'm not bringing 5 kids, LOL. It will take me about an hour to get to Circleville.