How did you get past the fear........
It's getting closer for the time for me to have surgery, I'm still waiting
to hear from my insurance company. I kinda wish I didn't have all this waiting time, because I have too much time to thin****ep feeling so scared, so I was wondering, how did you all get past your feeling of fear
(the feeling that the worst might happen) before going in for surgery?
Rhonda Carter

I did three things...first of all, I used positive imagery to imagine myself smaller and able to do things that I couldn't presently do. When I went into the operating room I told the surgeon the following: Over the teeth, over the gums, OH NO! It's GBS, back up it comes!!!! We all had a good laugh (which releases stress fighting endorphins!! and helps with relaxation). As the mask came over my face I visualized Jesus circling my body and holding me in his arms. I hope this is helpful. Cathy