QualChoice POS
I was just wondering if anybody has QualChoice POS for their insurance and if so is WLS covered. I currently have Medical Mutual SuperMed Plus and I am not really happy with it. My policy only covers 80% and I have to pay 20%. But my out of pocket maximum is $2000. I want to have my surgery at St Vincent's and they require any out of pocket costs to be paid in full before surgery. There is no possibility of getting $2000+ together anytime soon. In about 6 weeks I will chosing what my insurance will be for 2004 and I am thinking about QualChoice POS. That would mean that I would have to wait until January for the new insurance to kick in to see a surgeon and get to have the surgery. But I am fine with that because otherwise, it would take me about 6+ months to save up the out of pocket expenses. Any help or any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I think if I were in your shoes I would be so happy to pay only $2,000! I am jealous..........
I also have medical mutual and I have to pay $17,000 before I can have the surgery. Which I am fighting due to the fact they approved me before the change. I just would be very sure of the stipulations of the new insuance that you try to get, if you change.
Best of luck to you...... Shelly B