My journey begins
Hi all! I am hoping those who are thinking about WLS and wonder how long the journey takes from beginning to start, will read my profile. I am at the beginning stages and am mapping every detail. I am having surgery thru Dr. Gersin's office (not sure if he will actually do it or another doctor in the office. I just sent my info packet to them today certified mail. Now I sit and wait for them to contact me. I hear they are scheduling surgeries about 4 months from now! I'm going to keep my fingers crossed!

Hi there! I have read your profile and yes those comments even though they are from childhood are very painful. I live in cincy area so I am pretty close to you. I am in the final stages to get my sugery approved from the insurance company. I have my psychiatric evaluation on 5/20/03 then my last appt i have to schedule to go over the paperwork and submit to the insurance company. It seems like this journey will never be over but it is drawing to a close and it is a roller coaster of a journey. You may find your emotions being up and down. I have researched this surgery to death. One night it felt as if everything i found was negative. I actually started feeling a anxiety attack coming on. I felt at that point I had reasearched enough. I just wanted to wish you the best with your surgery and getting all the paperwork approved to have the surgery. If you would like to chat please look at my profile and email me. Take Care. God Bless.