This is it!! My life changing surgery is tomorrow!!

I' so excited for you. this is a great day. I barely got any sleep the night before either. It all comes out in the wash as my Grammy use to say. So one night without sleep isn't going to matter in the long run. Especially since you'll be sleeping in the hospital when you are not walking and/or sipping, Keep us posted when you are feeling up to it.


RNY on 01/12/12
hello i seen your post and i know u have had your surgery i am having it at the same place u did and i have the same Dr as you . i have a few questions for you was u in a lot of pain after surgery? witch type of surgery did you have ? did they have any thing around you to help support you after surgery i here people on here saying they a binder on when they came out of surgery . congrats on your surgery thanks for any information
Good luck and Congratulations! This was by far and away the best decision I have ever made for myself. I know this wasn't originally directed to me, but I am going to jump in anyway. Take as much support as you can get. I am almost 17 months post RNY. I have lost 134 pounds and would like to lose another 25. The last 25 are the hardest. You will have a binder after surgery, take a thin tshirt to wear between your incision and the binder after surgery. Get up and walk after surgery, makes healing faster. Get in a support group after surgery, it has made all the difference for me. This surgery changes everything about your life. It isn't just about weight loss, it is about HEALTH for the rest of your life.
The pain post op isn't that bad. Take your pain meds. You will run out of pain before you run out of meds. Follow the diet, as boring as it will get, the rewards in the weight coming off will make it well worth it.
Sending good thoughts your way!
The pain post op isn't that bad. Take your pain meds. You will run out of pain before you run out of meds. Follow the diet, as boring as it will get, the rewards in the weight coming off will make it well worth it.
Sending good thoughts your way!
Hi hope my ansers help to ease your mind a little. I was nervous too and had all kinds of questions for people and did endless reading on the
1) There was some pain after surgery, but nothing that couldn't be managed with what they give you and the prescription they give you to go home with.
I had a morphine pump right after the surgery and you can hit the button to get doses as needed.
2) I had the laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery.
3) Yes, you'll have a binder on when you come out of surgery. It really helps hold your belly in nice and tight which you'll be grateful for.
I only had to take my pain meds for a day or two after being released from the hospital. Its so important to walk as soon and as much as you can after surgery. While it might feel uncomfortable it is VERY important. When I came home I'd walked as much as I could...just from room to room....around my diningroom table etc....just important to get up and walk.
Just know that this is going to be the best thing you've done for yourself and day by day afterwards the weight falls off and you start feeling so much better!!
1) There was some pain after surgery, but nothing that couldn't be managed with what they give you and the prescription they give you to go home with.
I had a morphine pump right after the surgery and you can hit the button to get doses as needed.
2) I had the laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery.
3) Yes, you'll have a binder on when you come out of surgery. It really helps hold your belly in nice and tight which you'll be grateful for.
I only had to take my pain meds for a day or two after being released from the hospital. Its so important to walk as soon and as much as you can after surgery. While it might feel uncomfortable it is VERY important. When I came home I'd walked as much as I could...just from room to room....around my diningroom table etc....just important to get up and walk.
Just know that this is going to be the best thing you've done for yourself and day by day afterwards the weight falls off and you start feeling so much better!!