OT - Free Women and Money Seminar

Are you a business owner? Have you been in business three years or more? Then join us at Women & Money: Business Edition! Women & Money: Business Edition is designed to help women business owners who have been in business for at least three years. The conference will help owners gain the knowledge they need to make informed business and financial decisions.
Join us and learn about:
. Banking today and the impact of financial reform
. Doing business with the government
. 2011 economic outlook
. Investment choices
. Employee retention
. Becoming a "green" business
. Importance of social media
Please register early! The event is FREE, but space is limited.
Join us in one of these locations:
September 21: Columbus, Ohio Department of Transportation, 1980 West Broad St, Columbus, 43223
September 30: Cleveland, Cleveland Public Library, Main Branch, 325 Superior Ave, Cleveland, 44114
To register or find more information visit www.ohiowomenandmoney.org or call 800-228-1102.
We look forward to seeing you at one of these events!
Office of Ohio Treasurer
Kevin L. Boyce
Community Education and Engagement Department