Anyone attend the monthly support groups provided by New Life WLS?
So I had surgery with Dr. Rita Anderson in December and I remember them telling me they had monthly support meetings for the patients. I was wondering if anyone here attends them and what goes on at the meetings? I haven't went to any kind of support group, as I haven't really felt I needed it, but I was wondering what kinds of things do they discuss at these meetings? I was also wondering when do they hold them each month?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!
Hey Brad, myself, Wonderling and Tony attend the support group meetings. The one that is held the 2n d Thursday of every month is held at Kettering Hospital and is chaired by Dr. Rita's staff. It is mostly a social meeting with participants telling about their month, asking questions, and getting to know each other. Some of us meet prior to the meeting and get a bit to eat; we find out about that on Tony's group Shed and Share.
the other support group meeting is for all WLS patients *(as is the first one) but this one seems to attract more people. I find it more informative as there is an actual topic which is discussed as well as the social aspect. That meeting is held on the 3rd Monday of every month. The next meeting is the 19th and it is held at the WLS cneter at 1956 E. Whipp Road in Kettering.
The meeting on Monday is Emotional and Relational adjustment following Surgery. I will defintey be thee and so will Ohiogirl4life and many others. It is at 7:00 .pm
Hope to meet you in person and see you there.
the other support group meeting is for all WLS patients *(as is the first one) but this one seems to attract more people. I find it more informative as there is an actual topic which is discussed as well as the social aspect. That meeting is held on the 3rd Monday of every month. The next meeting is the 19th and it is held at the WLS cneter at 1956 E. Whipp Road in Kettering.
The meeting on Monday is Emotional and Relational adjustment following Surgery. I will defintey be thee and so will Ohiogirl4life and many others. It is at 7:00 .pm
Hope to meet you in person and see you there.
Janet, did you just start attending Shed & Share this past month? I have been going since they started it (I was one of the people who helped get it off the ground, in fact), and ususally go to dinner beforehand, but I'm embarrased to say that I don't recognize your name or photo... (but I was not there last month) 

14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
There is the Shed & Share (which I attend) the 2nd Thurs of each month and then there are two offered by the Kettering Weight Loss program itself (which I do not attend), so you ahve plenty of choices depending on what you are looking for.
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.