Akron WLS Support Group Meeting - 04/24/2010 6:30 P.M.
January 27, 2010
Speaker: Jody Moyto
The focus of this meeting is to re-motivate & re-focus everyone. Helping everyone to get back on track after the holidays. We will go “back to the binder" revisiting the basics of eating to set the tone for the year.
February 24, 2010
Speaker: Shannon Perkins PhD
This month we will focus on our concerns regarding body image. Our brains catching up to our bodies, dressing as our body changes and dealing with it all.
In addition to this evening’s program, our new Dietician, Laura Hardman will be introduced to the group.
March 24, 2010
Speaker: Laura Richardson, Tom Bilcze, Christine Domer
This month we are going to focus on moving from motivation to movement. We will ask Laura to focus on training & exercise, tips, and new ideas for the New Year. Joining Laura will be Tom and Christine who will be discussing an exciting addition to our group; a bicycle club and bariatric picnic event.
April 28, 2010
Speaker: Susan Schweitzer, Noelle Bothe
This month we will focus on eating. Cooking, menu choices and recipes will be the major focus of this month’s discussion.
May 26, 2010
Speaker: Panel of Dr(s), Case Manager, Nurse, Dietician
This will be an open panel discussion with the group. Questions will be taken from the floor, as well as collected prior to the evening.
In addition, recipes for dishes that will be brought to the picnic (6/12) should be submitted on this evening...Our dietitian will be reviewing them for appropriateness and we will be compiling them to distribute all recipes at that June meeting.
June 12, 2010 Bariatric Picnic/Bicycle Club ride
A day of fun…details to follow.
June 23, 2010
Speaker: TBD
This month was to have been a discussion of triggers that cause us to eat, to relapse and the like. We also would address the unique situations encountered in the summer: grad parties, showers, weddings, picnics, fairs, amusement parks, vacations….and what to do about it.
July 28, 2010
Speaker: NONE
This evening will be a split group night, split by procedure. The focus of the evening will be group discussions addressing the specific needs of each procedure.
August 25, 2010
Speaker: Laura Hardman, Bariatric Center Dietician
The topic this evening will be determined at a later date by Laura Hardman.
September 22, 2010
Speaker: Dr. Petersen and Staff
We would like to address the issues of plastic surgery. In addition to before/after discussion, we will have representatives to discuss the insurance related issues of plastic surgery.
October 27, 2010
Speaker: Laura Hardman
The focus of this meeting would be getting to know the new dietitian, as well as wrapping up the year, the focus of each month, and a strategy for the upcoming holiday season. Surviving the parties etc. All recipes should be submitted for dishes that will be brought to the holiday party (12/8) to be reviewed and compiled.
December 8, 2010
November/December Meeting
Holiday Party
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday. Don't forget your binder!
Follow my journey to a happy, healthy, active life at TomBilcze.com