DS Support in Columbus?
Well, aside from the official group meetings, there is a large group of us that get together every month or so and have a great time. It's more of a party than a support group. People from OH, KY, and IN all come, as well as our dear Caprice.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
Hi Valerie, Caprice and I are going to try and get together sometime soon, but I would also be interested in the group that gets together every month or so. Does the location for that change? Is it just DS patients, or any WLS patients?
Please let me know when the next one is scheduled.
Thanks for the info!
Please let me know when the next one is scheduled.
Thanks for the info!

The location does change. Keep your eyes peeled on the DS board for anything labeled "MVADS (Miami Valley Area DSers) Get Together" I think we've got an outing to Indy coming in July, and will likely carpool our way there. It's 99% DSers and we have a couple of distal revisions (because doc Maguire won't do a DS revision).
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes