Support Groups close to Berea, Ohio
Hi Pat,
There is one every second Thursday at the Cleveland Clinic Main campus. I know it's downtown. The next one is Feb 12th and I would be willing to meet up with you and guide you in and back to the highway. I've only been to one meeting there so far, but the turn out seemed really good and the people are awesome. It runs from 5:30 to 7:30. They also have a list of other support groups in the Cleveland area, I'm sure they would fax it to you if you called them. When I find mine, I'll post a few others out here too.
There is one every second Thursday at the Cleveland Clinic Main campus. I know it's downtown. The next one is Feb 12th and I would be willing to meet up with you and guide you in and back to the highway. I've only been to one meeting there so far, but the turn out seemed really good and the people are awesome. It runs from 5:30 to 7:30. They also have a list of other support groups in the Cleveland area, I'm sure they would fax it to you if you called them. When I find mine, I'll post a few others out here too.
Hi Melissa
That sounds like a plan - where do you live? Where would you like to meet - I could leave right from work - I work at MetroHealth (the Old Deaconess Building). I would like to give you my number however I don't know if it is wise to do on the internet - email me at [email protected] - look forward to meeting you.
I had my surgery at MetroHealth however they support groups have low turn out and I'm not real impressed with the content exchanged.
That sounds like a plan - where do you live? Where would you like to meet - I could leave right from work - I work at MetroHealth (the Old Deaconess Building). I would like to give you my number however I don't know if it is wise to do on the internet - email me at [email protected] - look forward to meeting you.
I had my surgery at MetroHealth however they support groups have low turn out and I'm not real impressed with the content exchanged.

Hi. There is a group of very friendly people that meet each Monday at 7pm at Denny's at 8111 Day Drive in Parma. It is across from Parmatown Mall. The group is called Simply Support and that is what they offer to each other. They are from all different areas of the city and have had their surgery in many and varied hospitals. Please feel free to join us some Monday night for information and friendship.......Ellen
Hi Pat. They meet in a seperate room in the back of Denny's. You can ask for the group or just walk straight back there. I hope you do come. They are a really nice group..always welcoming to new people. Some are post ops some are preops and some are just beginning the process. They will occassionally have speakers. Please feel free to come and ask any and all questions or concerns you may have. They are full of been there done that or had that problem advice.....Many of them get there earlier and have dinner but no purchase is required to use the room..............Hope to see you there sometime soon........Ellen
Hi Pat,
I attend a nice support group in North Olmsted at John Knox Church. It is right at the end of Great Northern Blvd, on Lorain Road. It meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 7pm. Enter through the back and there are a few meeting rooms back there. AA meets in one and we are in the other. Our first February meeting we have Peter (nutritionist) from St. Vincent's coming to speak.
Hope to see you there.
I attend a nice support group in North Olmsted at John Knox Church. It is right at the end of Great Northern Blvd, on Lorain Road. It meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 7pm. Enter through the back and there are a few meeting rooms back there. AA meets in one and we are in the other. Our first February meeting we have Peter (nutritionist) from St. Vincent's coming to speak.
Hope to see you there.
Shelley Belly