WLS Rider for Insurance
Anyone know alot about insurance? our annual enrollment is suppose to be announced next month and a co-worker put the fear of God in me... "What if they don't renew the WLS rider"
I start Month 3, visit 3 next week and I think I'd be devestated if they up and didn't renew due to the ecconomy.
Anyone have any insite on this? We had probably a half dozen + people in the company who had WLS surgery this year, and since we're self insured through Cigna I'm sure this is something they might look at.
not that I need something else to stress about in my life...
I start Month 3, visit 3 next week and I think I'd be devestated if they up and didn't renew due to the ecconomy.
Anyone have any insite on this? We had probably a half dozen + people in the company who had WLS surgery this year, and since we're self insured through Cigna I'm sure this is something they might look at.
not that I need something else to stress about in my life...
You might want to try to talk the 'the powers that be' and ask now.
I had my WLS 11/17/2003 then the new policy took effect 1/1/04 and they had made changes to it to where they would only pay a MAX of $10,000. MINE was paid for in full NO CAP.
See if you can talk to some one and tell them all the health SAVINGS of letting people keep WLS over paying for all the meds and other obesity related things and are or can be wrong with over weight employees.
Good Luck,
I had my WLS 11/17/2003 then the new policy took effect 1/1/04 and they had made changes to it to where they would only pay a MAX of $10,000. MINE was paid for in full NO CAP.
See if you can talk to some one and tell them all the health SAVINGS of letting people keep WLS over paying for all the meds and other obesity related things and are or can be wrong with over weight employees.
Good Luck,
4'10" - 47 I'm short but not petite and I will weigh more than a 5th grader
Start weight 220
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" Dr. Seuss
Just FYI... My husbands policy is from Jan to Jan
They renew every fall..
I started my 3 month program 7/08 and received benefit information and my surgeons office received a pre-determination ( So I had coverage)
I had my last appointment on 9/8 and went for insurance approval...
Found out on 9/2 Checkfree DID a revison to the policy... to exclude weight loss surgery...
So now I am fighting it ( not sure what good that will do) but since I started the program in 7/08 we will see.
So keep on them because all companies esp self insured are trying to cut a buck so stay on them
They renew every fall..
I started my 3 month program 7/08 and received benefit information and my surgeons office received a pre-determination ( So I had coverage)
I had my last appointment on 9/8 and went for insurance approval...
Found out on 9/2 Checkfree DID a revison to the policy... to exclude weight loss surgery...
So now I am fighting it ( not sure what good that will do) but since I started the program in 7/08 we will see.
So keep on them because all companies esp self insured are trying to cut a buck so stay on them
Our insurance changed at the last minute also - and I found out through the grapevine that the new insurance wouldn't cover wls - so I made a call to my surgeons office - explained the problem and they promptly moved up my surgery to be done prior to the change. It ended up happening 2 months ahead of schedule - but was fully covered by my insurance - plus 90 days of fills... after that I am left uncovered - which is a concern if anything bad ever happens - but for now - I am happy I did it - and so far... so good - knock wood
! I had lap band a year and a half ago- if you think your insurance is going to change - I would call and see if they wouldn't waive or hurry up some of the pre-requirements -a nd get it done sooner rather then not at all. Good luck. Anne

I actually work for an insurance company and what the employer does is purchases the WLS ryder at an additional cost. If your employer does not purchase that then the insurance company does not have to cover it. But also alot of companies are keeping that option since the WLS has become so popular.
If you follow exactly what the guidelines that should be issued somewhere by the insurance company there is no way they can turn you down, as long as you have that ryder.
Let me know if you have any other questions, I will help with what I can.
If you follow exactly what the guidelines that should be issued somewhere by the insurance company there is no way they can turn you down, as long as you have that ryder.
Let me know if you have any other questions, I will help with what I can.