Why did you choose your specific WLS

(deactivated member)
on 9/4/08 5:48 am
Well, Now I understand why they make you wait 6 months... so you can make sure you're 100% ready for the journey.

Now I'm back contemplating other surgeries besides the RNY..  I was going to post on the RNY board but I know I'll get all RNY answers.   I think there's a few DSers on here too.
If you want to PM me with your answer that's fine too ( I know sometimes there've been heated battles and I don't want to see that)

Anyone know Dr Anderson's semiar dates?  I really think I need to sit in on other Drs seminars just to make sure.

on 9/4/08 6:59 am
I don't think there are enough regular posters in the Ohio forum to support a good heated flame war, so its probably safe.

I have a DS, and one of the most aggressive that's normally performed: 65cm CC, 50cc stomach.

Lap Band: A total non-starter for me. I was entering the super-super obese range with a BMI of 60. I had starved myself pretty regularly my whole life and I didn't think that starving myself with a hunk of plastic strangulating my stomach would be any more effective.

RNY: I considered the RNY but decided against it for the following reasons:

Only 50-60% long term EWL in most patients. I would still be extremely fat even if I was a 'success'. The DS has better long term results with losing weight and keeping it off.

Way way too much regain reported with the RNY. A lot of shame mongering and finger pointing goes on about this, but gain is gain and I don't want it back, ever.

Dumping. I understand the value of a negative feedback mechanism, for example, I stay away from white flour carbs with my DS because they cause gas. But why suffer with the misery of an RNY when I can get the same or better effectiveness with a DS and keep my stomach intactt and functional? Theres just no point in even considering the whole mess an RNY turns a stomach into.

Blind stomach. One of the technical reasons I didn't and don't like the RNY. Impossible to find and treat something as simple as an ulcer until it may be too late.

Pain medications. I take Aleve and other similar medications because I have bad joint problems. I can still take those with my DS. With my RNY I would be forced to take less effective OTC drugs or more expensive/dangerous prescription ones.

Low fat diet: Gotta have my bacon. Why nibble when I can eat normally and keep the weight off?

Drinking restrictions: Again, file it under eating normally. I didn't want 30 rules to follow at every meal so that I don't dump, blow out my pouch, throw up, etc.

Measure twice, cut once. I see a lot of Lap Band -> RNY revisions, and a lot of RNY -> DS revisions, but not so many DS -> Whatever revisions. There seems to be a chain of effectiveness starting with dieting, then Lap Band, then RNY, then DS. I figured why not get the best first and avoid a revision later on?

On the negative side of the DS? Extra vigilance required to keep up with lab tests and vitamins. Forever. My supplements and I are married, to death do us part.


Steve in Cleveland, Ohio - BPD/DS 02/25/2008
The WLS information site you can edit and improve! www.wlswiki.com
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 9/4/08 7:25 am - OH
Dr Anderson has an evening seminar tonight (Thursday) at 6:30.  The otehr dates are available on her website (www.newlifesurgery.com)

I seriously debated between RNY and DS.  I believe that both are good surgeries... and I seriously do NOT get the whole "my surgery is better than your sugery" nonsense.  The key is finding the one that will give you the best chance for long-term weight loss, based on your own particular food and psychological issues.

For me, sweets have always been a problem, so I liked the fact that the RNY would help me break my sweets habits because of the possibility of dumping.  Some people look at dumping as a "punishment", whereas I look at it as a negative consequence for a behavior (eating sugary, calorie-laden food) that I want to stop.  It was also important to me -- perhaps because I am a counselor and spend a lot of time trying to get my clients to accept responsibility for making the changes to get the things they want in their lives -- that I did MY part to solve the problem, and (DSers, please do NOT take this as a slam because it is NOT intended that way AT ALL) I felt that the RNY would force me to accept more responsibility for eating the right foods in the right amounts.  I was afraid that, even with the extra malabsorption of the DS, I wouldn't change my eating habits enough and would eventually gain the weight back.  The possibility of being one of the people who has trouble with gas and oily stools after the DS also scared me a bit, as did the nutritional impact of the extra malabsorption (over and above that of the RNY).  Even though I knew that the long-term statistics on keeping the weight off are a bit better for the DS, I felt more emotionally prepared to deal with the possible side effects of RNY and overall I felt that the RNY was most appropriate for me.  After listening to some of my thought processes, Dr Anderson seemed to agree (although she made it clear that either DS or RNY would be appropriate for me and she would gladly perform either procedure). 

Unlike some people who have the RNY, I have only dumped once in the year since surgery, ahve never had "foamies" or thrown up, have never had a stricture or gotten anything "stuck".  I can eat almost anything in small amounts without suffering any ill effects (which is both good and bad....).  Other than the incisional hernia form open surgery (which would have happened with teh DS too), my only side effect has been trouble with constipation.

Yes, there are some times that I wish I had chosen the DS, but you know what?  Most of those times are times that I am tempted to eat more than I know I should or eat things that I know are really not healthy for me (but that I could "get away with eating" if I had chosen the DS)... so I think that confirms for me that my choice of the RNY was right FOR ME because it forces me to be more repsonsible about my food choices.

I think it's great that you are giving this serious thought because it is a serious decision.  I also think it was smart for you to have posted here rather than in the other forums (!) because I have never seen anyone in the Ohio forum get defensive about their surgery... everyone here is very respectful and informative).   You can always search the other forums for the previous threads about RNY vs DS (or gastric sleeve or lap band) without starting a new thread and a new "war", LOL.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

(deactivated member)
on 9/4/08 8:28 am
dang it... it's 6:26 PM. :-(

The next seminar is October 22nd... Oh well... I guess I can do a bunch of research between now and then... not like insurance is drop that 6 month regulation any time soon LOL
Jan 26 can't come soon enough.
on 9/4/08 8:19 am - Toledo, OH
Hi Tony,

Everyone chooses their surgery for a different reason, but here are mine.  I looked at the lap band, RNY, and DS. 

I thru out the lap band immediately for a few reasons.  I didn't want the "foreign" band in my body.  I was worried about the band eroding into my stomach/esophagus.  The success rate is not very high, and you can really sabotage the band.

I decided against the DS because of the problems with malabsoption issues and anemia.  It does have a very high success rate, but I was scared of the potential for blood transfusions.

I chose the RNY because it seemed like the best surgery for me.  Yes you do have lots of rules, but I need rules.  I didn't get fat by making the right food choices in my past.  The rules seem difficult at first, but once you get used to them they are not bad.  I know people talk about the dumping being a problem.  I have only dumped once, and it is a constant learning process.  I have lost 90# in about 4.5 months.  I am very glad I chose the RNY.

I hope this helps...If you have specific questions, just let me know.

Good luck in your decision


theresa R.
on 9/4/08 11:47 am - Van Wert, OH
 I was constantly flip-flopping back and forth between the RNY and lapband...firt...I was self pay, so any complications would be mine to pay for out of my pocket...I liked the thought of less chance of serious complications that would require major financial output...Also, about the time I was going back and forth, there were two RNY posters from the boards that were going through some serious complications -- Sandy Pierce who sometimes posts here and had the website imnotfatanymore---and another WLS patient named Jessica O......their stories scared the hell out of me...I knew for my peace of mind, I needed a surgery that was completely reversable is it needed to be....also, family history played a part in my decision...my sister was diagnosed with Crohns disease...and had to have all but 2 inches of her large intestine removed....all these things played into my decision---Best of Luck to you--whatever you decide....

Theresa R. =)
LapBand Surgery $13,950-2 Year Gym Membership $795.-TummyTuck&Lip0 $9950.00
Seeing those skinny bitches from High School and never
looking better---$PRICELESS

Robin W.
on 9/4/08 1:09 pm - Franklin, OH
You have been given some GREAT advice. The only thing I can add is to LOOK at HOW and WHY you eat. Looking at my eating habits I should have looked into DS a little more because I'm a snacker and grazer. BUT I didn't want the loose stool and such so I chose RNY. I DO DUMP on sugar alcohol and to much sugar. To me this is a GOOD thing it helps me stay on the right track.  I can also eat anything and EVERYTHING I want with in reason just a lot smaller. I love doggie bags and at times keep a cooler and ice pack ready for when I go out to lunch or dinner so the leftovers don't go bad.  If I want McDonalds I eat it. I have two very active teens. Fast food is a part of life now days. You just have to make SMARTER and BETTER choices in food no matter which WLS you choose.  GO to several different info sessions with different docs. Go to some support meetings and try to talk to RNY, DS and Band people.
Good Luck in your choice.

4'10" - 47 I'm short but not petite and I will weigh more than a 5th grader
Start weight 220 
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"  Dr. Seuss

on 9/4/08 10:53 pm - Cincinnati, OH
I went with what insurance paid for short sweet simplae. DS was not an option under our plan. I might have chosen that one. It was VBG or RNY and RNY was almost experimental but they approved it. Good luck in your choice.

If I could I would do DS now

Martha C.
on 9/5/08 12:26 am, edited 9/5/08 12:27 am - Ellet, OH
I chose my surgeon first.  I have to live with him for a long time, so his manner and staff were crucial.  After that I chose the procedure.  He only does RNY or LapBand.  I am a gorger, at times not even realizing what I have eaten until the carnage is complete.  For me, the LapBand would have been too easy to get around---ice cream, mashed potatoes (food of the gods for me), etc.  Since I am not picky about what I eat I would have easily adjusted my diet to soft foods only.  I needed something more dramatic, a true mechanism of terror so to speak!   RNY gives me that.
In the end, it is a personal choice.  Only you know your mind/body/self and that's what you need to consider when making the choice.

Good luck Tony!

on 9/9/08 4:05 am - Maumee, OH
New to this,  Not sure how to proceed.   I am looking for a good surgeon in NW OHIO.  I've heard things about some of the centers around-has anyone got any inside scoop?
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