I'm having my doubts
I think it's good that you are looking at this now. It is much easier to put off the surgery until you are truly ready than to try to work through a lot of psychological issues while you are also trying to adjust to your new eating regimen and your body is under stress from losing weight.
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
I know how you are feeling. I think about not having cheesecake and twix candy bars ever again, and it kinda freaks me out,but..I know these foods are not good for me now, and I think about if I don't go forward with my surgery and I keep eating the way I am, eventually I'm going to have more health problems and maybe a heart attack from being so over weight. It scares me to death to think that what I'm putting in my mouth can maybe someday cause me to have a heart attack. I have 3 kids, and I'm not ready to lose my life and leave them without a mom just because I want cheesecake. I know you aren't having any health issues yet, but believe me, they will appear eventually. You may not be ready for this surgery, but you also need to think about why you need these comfort foods. If you are eating these foods due to other issues other than your weight, than having this surgery isn't going to make those issues go away. Maybe you need to deal with those issues before thinking about having surgery. It's your life Sweetie, and only you know how you feel. I have also been told by my doctor that after surgery, our cravings go away for the most part. You have come so far, and you really need to be at peace with yourself over this surgery. It is a life changing thing, and you or anybody should never have the surgery if you aren't 100% ready for it. It has taken me 5 years to finally go for it. I'm finally ready..
Good luck hon, and please know that I'm here if you need a friend! *hugs*
On the other hand, perhaps a different procedure would suit you better. I had the same anxiety, but when I discovered the duodenal switch and post op living and eating with it, my concerns faded right away and I was confident from that point on. If you don't know much about it, check out the DS forum right here or go to duodenalswitch.com to learn more. There are three surgeons here in Ohio (around Dayton) who do it.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
hi martha...not sure i can add anything new to what has already been posted to you but i do agree with them all...think things through carefully before you have the surgery....i know food has been a comfort food to all of us but the good thing is we are all healthier now since having WLS and without it...my dr said i would be dead in a few short years...gave me something to think about...eating like a pig or living longer....i chose to live longer...you can still eat but not like before...and trust me...you will feel like you are eating like a pig at times with the new pouch!!! sorry if i came on to strong but its how i look at it...wish you the best on your decision!!!

I don't think I can say much that hasn't been said here, very well, by others. I took a full year of preop time to be sure I was ready, and in particular to be sure ENOUGH that I would not regret the decision even if there were complications (so far none, and my surgeon and team are fabulous). We all have to go at our own pace.Oddly enough, the best preparation for me was the 4 week Optifast diet (mostly liquid, plus bars and some no-carb meals) prior to surgery. It is so hard to get away from our addiction to sugar and fat and carbs in our heads when we aren't yet doing it physically, and this diet made it possible for me to get my head in the right place and make a clearer decision just prior to surgery.
Also, for what it is worth, at 6 days out I have NO cravings. I'm sure that's typical, and I have a lot of work to do to keep things in balance as I begin to eat real food (still on liquids) but it sure helps.
Good Luck!!
Hugs, Peggy