Why so wishy washy

on 8/18/08 1:09 am - OH
I went and had my pre-surgery tests done today- barium texture was disgusting!  Anyways, after leaving the hospital I started feeling a bit apprehensive about the surgery again.  When I get online and read the posts I get excited and I've been feeling really good after my appts (dietician, PT, Dr consult).  Today just struck me funny  and now I feel like I have a lump in my throat again.  How did you deal with the wishy washy feelings before surgery?  Or maybe you didn't have any?  My surgery date is August 28th.
Judy G.
on 8/18/08 1:30 am - Galion, OH

hi stacy...i never had any feelings but go for it and get r done!!!! what i did was look at before and after pictures here on OH and read profiles...that made my mind up for me to be thin again and healthy once more!!!! i was and still am addicted to OH!!! i hang out on the over 50 forum and everyone there is so nice...i moved here back mid june and came to the ohio board and have talked to several of them here online...this is a nice board also!!! great support system online but if you haven't been to a support group meeting before please go to one soon as possible!!! i really miss mine back in michigan and so far have not been to one here...just not sure of where and when and how to get there. 

i know one thing though and thats keeping calm not only makes it easier on your surgeon but also on you and healing faster!!! so take a deep breath and hang on because its a wild ride!!!!! keep me posted on things!!!


on 8/18/08 2:53 am - OH
Thank you Judy!  I am really excited about the opportunities WLS will provide for me.  I've been struggling with weight loss for so long now.  I do love looking at everyone's profiles, before and afters, etc... and it motivates me and inspires me to get r done!!!  The time is fast approaching....thanks again for posting.  I'll keep you updated:)
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 8/18/08 3:34 am - OH
Your surgery is on my birthday and one day after my one year surgiversary!

I didn't feel "wishy washy", especially since I had been tossing the idea of WLS around for 2 years, but I was very aware that what I was about to do was drastic and that my life was about to change forever (and that some of those changes were going to be VERY hard to make).  

I was a complete mess right before they took me into surgery, though -- I literally burst into tears when my surgeon popped into the surgery prep area... so she had them putt my IV in PDQ to give me some "courage medicine"... but only after she verified that I did, indeed, still want the surgery, LOL!)

This is a serious, life changing surgery.  I would worry if you did not have some anxiety.  Try to focus on all the positive ways your life will change as the weight comes off; focus on how much better you will feel; focus on how many negative things will LEAVE your life as the weight comes off.  (Perhaps, if you have not put down any goals in your OH profile, you could do that?) You can, of course, also come here for reassurance as often as you need to.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 8/18/08 4:34 am - OH

Thanks so much...it's always good to know that others have been in my shoes before.  I find it very comforting to come to this site.  Most often, I'm a lurker, but thought i would start posting some and it has really helped to relieve my anxiety.  I appreciate your insight.  Thanks again.

on 8/18/08 3:41 am - Ravenna, OH
Hi Stacy,

I know this may sound weird, but my emotions have been going up and down and I'm just starting my Journey. It's normal.. You have waited a long time for this day to come, and you will do awesome. I think of it as almost the same feeling as a birth of a beautiful baby.  We wait nine months to see this new life, and we do everything we need to do  to get ready. We think about giving this new life the best of everything, and hoping we make the right choices so that this beautiful new life is happy and healthy. And most of all, we worry that we won't do our best, or that what we dreamed about for so long, may not be as perfect as we hoped. WLS is the birth of a new life...your new life. What you are feeling is completely normal. You'll do just fine. Congrats hon..*hugs*
on 8/18/08 4:31 am - OH
Wow, that's a great analogy and right on the button of how i've been feeling.  I've tried so many things before and failed and I don't want to fail anymore.  I'm excited to move forward but scared about what that really means.  

Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts.  I'm definitely not considering not having surgery....I guess I just am getting anxious and nervous because the date is just a little over a week away. 

You all are truly great. 
on 8/18/08 4:54 am - toledo, OH

I have been feeling the same way since I got my surgery date.  Its just a lot of emotions and it seems like time just goes by so fast.  I completely understand your feelings.  I would never go back on having made this choice to live.  My surgery isnt schedule until oct 6th and I have my testing done sept 16.  I was even nervous about the pre-test (I think: "I came this far I hope these tests come out ok")  Then I think that I can't live afraid and I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

I will be thinking about you as you approach your surgey day.   Thanks for sharing, sometimes I think I was the only one who worries like this....


on 8/18/08 5:58 am - OH
I had my pre-tests today and they were pretty easy- Quick blood draw, EKG, Upper GI, and more health history questions.  Encouraging one another really help alleviate fears and gain confidence.  Thank you for sharing your feelings.  We'll look out for each other. 
on 8/19/08 3:33 am - Tallmadge, OH
Hi Stacy - looks like things are really moving along for you.  I guess most of us had those uneasy feelings.  I felt sometimes that "I probably won't really go through with it" and sometimes all the tests I went through were unreal.  The most difficult and scary for me was the EGD, colonoscopy - because I was going to be sedated and the blood gases because I heard they hurt really bad.    As a nurse, I saw patients do this for yearss and was glad it wasn't ever me.  But when I did all those tests, looking back, I think that they were not bad and I got through it all.  I do believe in the power of prayer and my prayer through all of this was, "Lord just help me get passed all the insecurities and uncertaincy - You brought be to this time in my life and will be beside me, so I place my trust there".  I just passed my 8th month and feel great.  I am having a repeat of the EGD and colonoscopy next Tuesday and am getting a bit nervous about doing this again (doctor found polyps and other stuff that he wants to watch closely).  It was one year ago that I had my first ones in preparation for my RNY.  I shouldn't be nervous but it natural to be a bit unsettled with invasive procedures.  But I will get passed this as well using the same thoughts again and I know that when the day comes to do this, I will have been given the peace that I need to face another step in my journey.  I hope it goes good for your as well!

Highest wt: 1/4/06   - 296
Met surgeon: 6/7/07 - 287
Surgery day: 12/12/07 - 277
Current: 9/28/08 - 196.5
Drs Goal 180   My Goal: 145
     "When a believing person prays, great things happen."  James 5:16

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