I had Lapband surgery and have no regrets. I agree with everyone here that you need to explore all your options and then decide. The decision has to be made by you. Everyone is different and so far I love my band and it is working great for me but that may not be the case for you. I go to the gym at least 4 times a week. Exercise is very important with the band in my case. I wish you best of luck in your decsion and if I can answer any questions for you please feel free to ask.
HI Jamie,
I don't have a lap-band myslf, but I am planning on getting one (penind insurance approval, of course) later this year. My decision to go with a lap-band over some of the other surgeries has to do with risk. I have 2 kids and a husband and I'm not supermorbidly obese at this point, so I don't want to do anything too risky. Plus, I just don't want to rearrange my insides. I know that may seem like a weird statement when you think about the fact that I'm fine with introducing a totally foreign object into my body, but that's the way i feel about. it.
Good luck making your decision. I hope you get all the facts you need to make the best decision for you and your personal situation!
Hi there Jaime. I have the lap band. I love it. I have lost 63# since 6/26. To try and describe what it is like is kind of difficult, but, it is a wonderful feeling of full that I have never experienced. I can also enjoy food a little more now since I taste it instead of inhaling it. I also can have just one bite of something sweet and feel satisfied. It can be a little uncomfortable from time to time when you don't chew enough or when something gets stuck, but actually I like that too, cause then I know it is working! Best wishes with your decisions.