I personally have not. My PCP recommended him for my gall bladder surgery a couple yrs ago, but they were scheduling his appts 6-8 wks out & I couldn't wait that long. My sister is a nurse at Mt Carmel & says she'd recommend him for the RNY & Dr Choban (in his practice) for the Lapband. Not sure if this helps. Good Luck on you search for info!
Thanks my PCP also recommended him because he take my insurance. I am afriad I am going to need a mass removed out of my intestions. I am currently working with Dr Bruce, but he said at semiar he does not like to do gallblader at the smae time as he does WLS, so I am afarid he will not take the mass out at the same time. I do not want two suregeries. I am unsure if the mass will have to come out, but it is possible. I go to a specilaist Weds to find out what they think!!!