Caresource anyone?????
I have caresource, and I called them and they said that they would approve VGS. Have not been approved yet since I just put stamps on the applications for OSU and Cleveland clinic. Although I dont have a high BMI (but over 35), I am a diabetic, high BP, major joint issues (3 ACL and I broke the arch of my foot about 8 yrs ago) and I just found out that my triglycerides are out of control, Oh and acid reflux, but no sleep apnea. I should be a shoe in. But we will see. I figure that OSU is pretty good about getting things approved.... and I have heard a rumor that Cleveland clinic does not need to be approved by medicaid or what you need to pick from. But I will keep everyone updated. Elizabeth
Caresource: Documentation of a 9 month "physician supervised" weight loss program and documentation of at least 1 co-morbid condition that is poorly controlled with medical treatment.