Governor Strickland closing mental health facility in Dayton!
As a part of the plan to cut more than $733 million from the state budget, Governor Ted Strickland recently announced that the Ohio Department of Mental Health will close the Dayton campus of Twin Valley Behavioral Healthcare by July 1.
The 110-bed facility serves people in 14 counties who will now have to travel to Cincinnati or Toledo for care.
Community advocates and leaders have been working together in an effort to overturn the decision. To reach this goal we need your assistance to highlight the impact this decision will have on our hospitals.
You are encouraged to write Governor Strickland ASAP to voice your concerns. Attached please find the necessary information needed to gain an understanding of the issue and facts to be used in your letter.
In recent weeks there was a rally on Courthouse Square to protest the decision; a community forum was held to openly discuss the extent and impact of the decision; GDAHA filed a public records request to Governor Strickland, the Ohio Department of Mental Health and the Office of Budget and Management for all documentation relating to the discussions of closing Twin Valley and a local group traveled to Columbus to provide testimony before the House Finance Committee. Furthermore, a group of community leaders and elected officials met with Governor Strickland on Tuesday, March 4 to discuss the impact on area hospitals, Wright State University School of Medicine and Wright Patterson Air Force Base.
It is important that the Governor’s office hears from us.
Thank you for your willingness to participate in this grassroots lobbying effort.
1. Letters should be addressed to:
Governor Ted Strickland
Riffe Center for Government
77 S. High Street, 30th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215-3555
Dear Governor Strickland:
2. If you would like to send your letter electronically, please go to: /448/Default.aspx