anyone remember me from a few years ago?
Hi Everyone,
I am back after nearly 4 years offline and have got very warm welcomes from some of you. I am wondering if there are others here who were here back before Sept, 04?
I am also interested in seeing if my before pic still shows up here. Maybe some of you will recognize it. I would love to hear from anyone here. I am trying to get a screenname(the right screenname) here so while it may change the pic will be the same until I get some new ones posted. I want to share my success with anyone interested .
Does anyone feel like they have aged since the surgery, or because of it? I know I am at the age, 55 for age lines to pop but I really think when I was fat faced they didn't show. Now, sigh those lines and wrinkles are all I see and I think I have aged miserable. lol Anyone else not like the aging process? Short of facelifts what do you do? I really don't want to rely on lots of makeup. I always felt like I was suffocating with face makeup on. Anyone use anything that is light while covering and may not feel like that? I always used the minimum anyway and just don't want to exert much energy on it everyday. Anyone know a magic solution to sagging skin? lol
sorry!! i don't come here often!!!!!