Any Dr. Chlysta's ( sp?) patients
Hi everyone! I am fairly new to the ohio area. I am scheduled to see Dr. Chlysta in Akron on the 19th. I have heard he is very friendly, and is willing to follow me up as a baratric doctor.
Any one have comments or experience with him they would like to share?
Thanks in advance
Sandy aka LinZhi's Mum
hI Sandy,
I am one of Dr.C.'s patients. I had my surgery with him almost two years ago... He does follow you and let's you know how you're doing. He has offered suggestions that sometimes goes in one ear and out the other. Most of the time, it is good info! LOL
My sister in law had lap band surgery with Dr. Joya in Mexico a little over a year ago. She has not been religious about getting fills.. she drives to Dr.Curry in Cincinnati as he is less expensive as Dr.Chlysta for the fills and Dr. Chlysta wanted to do testing. I can't remember what it was but without insurance (My SIL) she just couldnt swing it. Plus I think that my SIL didn't want her relationship with my Doctor.
Dr. Chlysta has support group on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. (I think) At 6, they are for the prospective patients and at 7, is the post ops. The subject varies each month... Ask Kathy or Kelli to be put on the mailer.
If you have other questions, please just ask!
Judi 267(pre)/139(current)/155(goal) -128
LBL, BL/BA (330cc saline filled to 360cc) 11-6-07
Hi Sandy!!
Welcome to Ohio, I am one of Dr Chlysta's patient, I really like him, he is very up-front & he expects you to follow his instructions. His staff is exceptional, his secretary Rose is one of the most kindest people I know. His bariatric Nurse Kathy Crouse, knows her stuff. Dr Chlysta has a very well put-together support group. The support group starts at 7:00 p.m on every 3rd Tuesday of the month. He even stays for that & is there to answer any questions/concerns you might have (beats an office visit).
They usually have someone different there every month, last month they had Akron General's bariatric Psychologist there, speaking on realationship. Very informative. Good luck on your visit to Dr Chlysta's!!!!!
Hi Sandy - I also am a patient of Dr. Chlysta's and I agree with what everyone else is saying about him and the support group. I am 9 wks out and have been pleased with my care. The process for some of us was long in getting the approval - all the way to the surgery day and the entire office was very supportive and helpful for getting all of the testing and evaluations done in a timely manner. I have met some great ladies in the support group who were very interested in my progress and the tips they shared were very much appreciated. I think you will have a good experience with your first visit. Good luck and let us know if there is anything we can help you with. There are many out there that are alot further out than I am that have a wealth of infomation to share.
Highest wt: 1/4/06 - 296
Met surgeon: 6/7/07 - 287
Surgery day: 12/12/07 - 277
Current: 9/28/08 - 196.5
Drs Goal 180 My Goal: 145
"When a believing person prays, great things happen." James 5:16
Hi Sandy - sorry I didn't read very well and thought that you were preop! Disregard the build up for the surgery and take all the good things that I said about the support and help that we have received from the doctor and his staff!
Highest wt: 1/4/06 - 296
Met surgeon: 6/7/07 - 287
Surgery day: 12/12/07 - 277
Current: 9/28/08 - 196.5
Drs Goal 180 My Goal: 145
"When a believing person prays, great things happen." James 5:16