Help, DH has HORRIBLE breath after 1 wk post-op
My husband is almost 1 wk PO and I can smell his breath across the room. He knows it's bad, I know its bad, I barely have eyelashes and eyebrows after sleeping next to him last night
Anybody else have this problem or is it all just part of the game? Any suggestions?????? Please, my lungs will thank you!!!

80 lbs lost lots more to go....

He's probably in ketosis. It's where the body isn't getting enough fuel, so it starts drawing fuel from the fat cells. Changes in the odor of breath, sweat, urine is common. All he needs to do is get LOTS of fluids to flush out the ketones. It lasted only a few weeks for me.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
I was about 3 weeks post op and leaned over my DH and asked him if he was getting out of bed now and if he wanted breakfast or wait. He sat straight up and said, "Do you smell dog poop?" Of course it was my breath. I talked with the Nut and she said just drink lots of water to flush out your system. Sorry but you'll probably be next! LOL!
Nancy J.
This happens a lot to folks after RNY surgery.
Go to your local pharmacy and look for DEVROM tablets. These are chlorophyll tablets that should not only help with his breath but with any gas he may have after surgery. Of course as I tell lots of folks on the O. H. boards, always talk to your surgeon and his office staff first.
Congratulations to your husband on his WL S.
Good health and good luck.
Dr. Dirk Rodriguez
Any information given in this message is general and not intended to address specific medical concerns. Always seek advice from your bariatric surgeon or personal doctor.