IDS New Whey Liquid Protein 42g bullets
I bought a ton of these off e-bay for 25.00 a box thinking that I would be drinking them a lot longer than I needed that being said I have 10-12 boxes (12 tubes in each box) of Fruit Punch flavored....
If anyone is interested in buying some for 15.00 a box plus shipping thats half off of what they are selling for on Let me know!
Hi Colleen,
How have you been? Haven't seen you on since end of August!!
I'm having trouble getting all my protein and the hair loss is getting ridiculous so maybe I should try these bullets. Are they tasty? I would be interested in purchasing and we could even meet up somewhere...let me know!
Talk to ya soon
Jill W.
Hi jill I was actully just getting on to say that i sold the last box today...I am so sorry! But you can buy individual tubes at the vitamin shope to sample to see if you like them and then you can order cheaper on e-bay if they will work for you.
I am doing well, happy with the results so far. I was having trouble getting my protein in but I really began to eat the protein first and make sure that my meals and snacks were protein right now I am doing okay. The bullets are not too bad...they are kinda thick like half set jello, but they worked for me...I just bought way to much and got way to tired of them...
Welll, i have to go post on the main board that I sold out to...but let me know if you have any questions about the tubes.
how are you doing other wise?
Take care of you!
The only ones that I can tolerate (taste and texture) are the orange ones (I guess because it tastes more like oranges than the fruit punch flavor tastes like fruit punch, etc.). I use them only if I'm running short on protein for the day or if I'm traveling, but it's nice to get the 42oz and only have to drink half the tube instead of the whole tube.
You can find them for about $27 per box (+ shipping) if you check around online.
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.