Dr Curry and Center of Excellance
Last I heard Dr. Curry was going through all the paperwork to become a Center of Excellance. I was wondering if anyone has heard if he is yet? I am interested for my mother. Thanks
223/112/123 11 lbs under goal. Normal weight. My blog shows from the beginning of my journey http://www.obesityhelp.com/member/steffan467/blog_page,9/
I have Lost a Whole Josh
\ http://www.obesityhelp.com/member/steffan467/blog_page,9/
Do you mean at Deaconess or at Jewish Hospital? Jewish already is one and Deaconess just became a Center of Excellence recently. Dr. Curry does surgeries at both hospitals. There was a article in the Cincy Enquirer a few weeks back. The web page is http://news.enquirer.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070923/EDIT03/709230336/-1/all
if you want to pass it on to your mother. It also lists all the other area centers as well.
Hope this is what you are looking for.
I was interested in this when looking for a surgeon also and found this on the forum on Dr Curry's website:
"I am happy to announce that our practice has passed the rigorous certification requirements and has been deemed a Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence as determined by the American Society for Bariatric Surgery!
Both hospitals we work at, Deaconess and Jewish, are certified as well."
Hope this helps!