CPAP adjustments??
Have a question? Is there anyway to change the settings of pressure on the CPAP machine?????/...I DON'T want to have another sleep study, my doc told me I'd be off my machine in few would just as soon not have to do that dang thing again..The pressure is too high for me now..which I'm glad..but still need to use the machine for a bit longer..any help would be greatly appreciated..thanks so much
My bariatric surgeon told me to lower my pressure from 13psi down to 10psi before my surgery. Then a couple of weeks after the operation I had to have it raised back up to 13psi. I used to know how to do it, but I can't remember now. Call the people who sold you the unit and they tell you how to do it over the phone or they will have you bring it in and they will it for you......anyway they shouldn't charge you for it.