Sandusky support group???
Hi Gabby.
I was the one who was posting about the Sandusky support group meetings!
We JUST had a meeting on Tuesday and I am sorry you did not know enough in advance.
We meet the third Tuesday of every month. We meet at the South Campus of Firelands Regional Medical Center (formally Providence hospital). Are you familiar with it?? We meet in the Conference room near the front entrance, formerally the Chapel. Next month ONLY, we will meet in a different area, but someone can meet you at the enterance and lead you back. There is a mix of men/women who are : looking into surgery, within a year post-op and some that are out longer. I, myself am 2 years out. The group leader and co-leader are great and everyone gets involved.
Feel free to send me a PM or email me if you have any further questions and I check the board often. I will send a "add to friends" list and I will be sure to post before the next meeting. And if you would like to exchange emails, I can contact the co-leader and have him add you to the reminder/info list..
Hope to see you next month.
~Dan B.
Thanks for all the info! I'm not sure where the hospital is...get me away from the shopping area near rt 2 and I'm pretty clueless. What time are meetings? I'll make sure to keep that day open on the calendar! Please have me added to the mailing list. My e-mail is [email protected].
Thanks again!